Ryon Shehee
Contact Ryon Shehee

Ryon Shehee

Account Manger

Ryon has been working at Dalton Carpet One since 2011 and is originally from Riverside, CA. Ryon currently resides in Houchston, GA and says that he likes working for the company because he feels more like a partner than just an employee. His favorite part of  his job is making things happen for builders in the blink of an eye, making Dalton Carpet One look like the well-oiled machine that it is. Ryon also enjoys working with builders, because he appreciates the challenge of the fast-paced needs of the new construction world. He says that his organization and communication is a must on the job, also that having the mindset that everything is urgent is key.

Our Beautiful Guarantee.

At Dalton Carpet One Floor & Home, we know how important it is for you to feel confident in your flooring selection. Therefore, we strive to ensure that the floor we’ve created together, is as beautiful as the one you envisioned. If not, we’ll replace it for free. That’s what we call The Beautiful Guarantee®.

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